we create
social & economic impact
... the choice is yours
What is the level of engagement or consultation you require? Choose the solution that best suits your needs and your budget.
Collect evidence, run surveys, manage a discussion or host a focus group. Support your decisions with fresh insight.
Use a Together consultation portal and consult your customers, service users or communities over issues that really matter.
Use a Together engagement platform and engage your customers, service users or communities in decisions that really matter.
Take your customers, service users and communities on the journey with you and involve them, inspire them and build passion.
Workspace is central to the PMNet offer and is a unique digital space that is created for every client.
See more
Display consultations on-line
Feedback results on-line
Display and run all linked activities
Build searchable libraries
Create surveys easily and quickly
Unlimited users and usage
Run surveys on multiple channels
Copy and clone from question bank
Create polls easily and quickly
Display for maximum impact
Hide or display on-going poll results
Automate start and finish of poll
Set up a discussion
Option of moderated or open
View transcripts in real-time
Share with partners
Set up a focus group on-line
Moderate and facilitate
View and manage on-line
Share with partners
Register people onto a panel
Target panellists by profile
Provide personal space
Recognise participation
Plan and publish events
Display location of events
Alert and notify people
Link to registration
Use real-time analysis tools
Manage quotas and samples
Export data in a variety of formats
Share results in real-time
Personalise your reports
Create your own dashboards
Create report templates
Fast and effective dissemination
Allow public to create petitions
Approve prior to publishing
Manage signatures
Publish feedback and decisions
Create a searchable project bank
Decide on your own search criteria
Display detail of projects
Facilitate greater collaboration
Store documents and web links
Store images and photos
Advanced search facility
Share resource with partners
View projects run by others
Support collaborative working
Clone and copy activities
Save time and resource
Display the results of consultations carried out and feature all the activities linked to current consultations.
Choose the layout and the style to complement the website(s) off which you intend to run the consultations.
A comprehensive survey tool that provides full functionality to build questionnaires of any length and complexity.
View research results in real-time, manage response levels and share findings with others.
Recruit people onto a panel and manage activities and engagements with members of the panel.
Inform people including members of any up and coming events, display details of the event and link to event registration
Set up and run a discussion or allow a conversation to develop giving people the opportunity to express and share their views.
Set up an interactive chat area and invite a select group of people to share their opinions and exchange their views.
Create and support a facility for running petitions online and give a petition more exposure.
Create exciting and engaging polls, display on the website(s) of your choice and share results with partners.
...flexible and adaptable
The flexibility and adaptability of PMNet’s Together solutions allows you to choose the extent of involvement you have in the full process.
Do you want to manage the activity yourselves or would you prefer the work to be carried out by PMNet’s own research and insight team.
In either case, the project will be set up in PMNet’s unique Community Workspace and access will be given to as many of the Together research, consultation and engagement tools as required.
So, you choose...
DIY or Together with Us
Now, select your methodology
It may be that you’re unsure as to the best tools to use to achieve the desired outcome. Is it data you’re after? Or would softer more qualitative information be more useful? Perhaps it’s a mix.
Take a look at what’s on offer...
And think ahead ....
How quickly do you need access to the findings?
How do you need to disseminate the results?
Do you require full reports and stats for some people and top-line for others?
Again, the choice is yours...
Need help deciding which is best for you.
Create and maintain a bank of current, planned and completed projects searchable by topic, target audience and geography.
File all documents, web links, images and information you may wish to use in support of new projects, activities, consultations and engagements.
View projects that other organisations have agreed to share. Make contact and collaborate. Clone and copy activities and save time and resource.
Create stylish and engaging reports that deliver the results and the intelligence you need people to see and act upon.
A secure access-rights environment for managing and recording every aspect of the work from start to finish.
.... You decide what the user sees
What the user sees, how the interface functions and how the user responds is critical to any form of engagement, whether a one-off survey or on-going engagement within a community of influence.
Let us show you a selection of the methods used by our clients to ensure their customers, service users and communities are highly engaged and involved.
Choose a style of engagement that fits neatly with your own brand and on-line activity.
Use Together’s unique My Voice brand and style to suit your market and your audience
On mobile, On tablet – Together Solutions can work equally well on any device.
Show your customers and stakeholders just how important they are by giving them their own dedicated space.
Recognition is an essential component of engagement so appreciate what your customers and stakeholders put in
Make the impact you require with reports that tell a story and deliver a message
Make things convenient for your customers and stakeholders with one shared sign in
All the hosting of Together portals and platforms is within the UK and data is fully protected
Support effective collaborations by bringing all stakeholders together in a true co-production environment
Together Solutions naturally work alongside all social media activity to optimise the reach of your engagements
Give your customers a choice of language when taking part in an engagement or activity
Available throughout the Together suite to guide you through the process of creating your engagement
Together solutions can be styled to integrate with any existing brand or can run as an independent engagement platform with its own unique brand.
Together’s unique brand My Voice is widely employed and will integrate well with any corporate or partner branding.
Together Solutions are designed to make the user experience enjoyable with accessibility always paramount.
It is important for people to feel that they "belong" and that their views and input really will make a difference.
A community points initiative recognises the contributions and difference people make within their communities
Outcome-focussed engagements rely on messages being delivered with clarity and impact
What is it that makes the PMNet team and solutions different to other providers.
Let us help make up your mind
“Together, we make the difference”
Together solutions promote a culture of collaborative working. They are efficient and cost-effective.
By engaging stakeholders, customers and service users, we ensure people have a major influence over decisions that affect them personally.
Advanced notice of engagements planned or being considered will enable people to form collaboration, share resource and reduce costs.
With a focus on project management, a Together Solution will ensure you and others work efficiently on the completion of any project.
The access rights collaborative environment gives you the ability to explore revenue generating sponsorship and partnership deals.
Any activity or engagement should have a desired outcome against which to measure the impact.
The impact of the engagement or activity is measurable with timely alerts so that all projects are evaluated.
The emphasis is on doing things together and sharing in the rewards and benefits that are derived.
People who engage and get involved are recognised for their time and support.
Regular alerts and communication helps ensure that everyone is aware of the engagements that are live and those that are proposed.
Creating and running engagements through multiple channels not only saves on cost but will deliver higher response rates and reach audiences from whom it may be hard to gather opinions.
Engagements are created in an access rights environment. People only see what they are allowed to see and information is secure and safe. You are in control.
Connect with us Close and return...dedicated and professional
The Together team is made up of software developers, community architects and social researchers.
Between them they have a wealth of experience of developing and designing platforms, portals and solutions that effectively engage people, deliver to specification and achieve the desired outcomes.
Fundamental to the work of the team is an understanding of just how important it is to ensure that what is delivered is right for the audience.
The solution put into practice for you and your organisation will be the result of collective input from those that really make the difference to the success of your engagement.
Connect with us Close and returnThere are now well over 1,000 people using a Together solution and users cut across all sectors.
Here’s what a selection of people have to say about their solutions and the service provided by the Together team.
"The project has been a positive experience and very much a collective effort. With the support of developers at People Matters Network we have been able to integrate the ideas and designs from service users and practitioners to ensure we have a system that is both flexible and adaptable to meet the evolving requirements of Children’s Services in Aberdeenshire. This has resulted in a positive user experience for gathering the views of children and young people receiving a service." View more
"This new engagement platform will fundamentally change the way that local people will be able to participate in public consultation and other engagements enabling us to reach even more residents and businesses." View more
If you would like further information about any of the Together Solutions suite please complete the email form below. We will be happy to conduct a full demonstration either online or visit you on-site.